Thursday, January 14, 2010


Dang it, its still not Friday!
Breakfast 1 Nature Valley granola bar 95 cal.
6 oz coffee 200 cal.

11:00 16 oz water

Lunch Tad bit more than 1/2 bowl of baked potato soup from Baker bros. 175 cal.
It was so good. Gosh I love there soup I wanted to eat the whole thing but I kept drinking water and soon my tummy felt full.
What I also failed to mention is that my coworkers wanted to go out to lunch and I have been turning them down since I was dieting but today they made me cave so I really battled with going and if so what I would eat. Normally when I go I get soup and sandwich. I must admit eating out is very hard when your dieting, especially when the people around you arent dieting.

16 oz water

16 oz of water while driving home.

Dinner 1 cup of Three Cheese chicken mix 210 cal.
1/2 cup of Jalapeno ranch style beans 130 cal.
24 oz of water


  1. My thoughts exactly!!!! Wishing it were Friday!

  2. oh, did i tell you that i tried that truvia (natural sugar stuff) and it's okay...kinda bitter. It'll probably take some getting us to. I'll bring you a few packets to try on Saturday.

  3. I want some too! I want to try Truvia!
    Do you all want me to bring some Agave Nectar? I can squeeze some in a baggie and you can snip of the corner when you use it.

  4. what is that for liza? sounds like it would make us sexy....

  5. I have to agree! it's so hard to diet when eating out withthose who aren't. I've been thinking of what i can eat at chuck e cheese. I might haveto look at their nutrietional guide. i already plan on bringing my own dressing just incase i decide to eat salad.

  6. I love those jalapeno ranch style beans!!!!!

  7. I'm on the Wilbanks diet so it helps when I am eating out. Dr. Wilbanks is my ortho and has sentenced me for about 4month so far with a mouth full of those little tiny rubberbands so when I go out to eat, I leave the rubberbands in my mouth. All I can squeeze in there is something really small or soupy! When Jesse was here for the holidays, we ate out the whole time and I ended up ordering soup every time! Saved me a lot of calories (and a lot of money)!

  8. Agave Nectar is natural sweetner it looks like honey, sweeter than sugar so you use less.
